Who are you without your business?

Photo by Madison Inouye from Pexels

Who are you without your business?

Small business owners are used to enmeshing their identities and their work personas on a daily basis. In many ways, we are our work. But self-care is profoundly important, especially for small business owners who have their “work persona” at the ready 24 hours a day. Unlike salaried employees or those working for other companies, small business owners rarely have the luxury of “turning off” the professional side of themselves. We really are on the clock at all hours.

Being a small business owner means working long hours, being readily accessible to clients at odd hours, and scheduling everything else in the remaining hours. And, because of the time, energy and money it takes to get your business off the ground and keep it moving forward, it can be hard to see an identity beyond your work. Your work is your life because, as a small business owner, it has to be.

When do you get to be just you?

That being said, it’s important to recognize and remember the person that exists outside of work. The person who had/has dreams and aspirations that are completely non-business related. It’s no secret that when we focus too much on work, we burn out. As with most things, it’s all about balance. But balance can be hard to find when you’re a small business owner. The fear of missing sales or losing clients if you take a few hours, let alone a day off can be stifling.

But balance can be hard to find when you’re a small business owner. The fear of missing sales or losing clients if you take a few hours, let alone a day, off can be stifling.

Because of this, there’s no single approach that will work for everyone. There’s no prescription for self-care that will match each person’s life, schedule and business.

So when you’re doing your weekly journal prompts, take some time to think about these questions: Who are you without your business? And how can you nurture that part of yourself to prevent burnout?

We see you, small business owner. You’re doing great.

Need help finding your balance? Schedule a consult here.

Elaina Lyons is the founder/owner of Lyons Share Marketing, LLC. Get in touch with her here.
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